Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Monday, February 12, 2007

Happy Birthday

Happy birthday Charles Darwin! Your research and theory on the origin of species have given us an opportunity to marvel at the wonders of life and how we've come to be the amazing creatures we are. It's a wonderful world.

Friday, February 02, 2007

Bigotry Wins over Humanity

Today the Michigan Court of Appeals ruled that all public institutions must cease all same sex domestic partner benefits. You can read more about it here. I think it's a sad day because it demonstrates, even at a basic level, a value of intolerance that potentially supersedes someone's health and well-being. Would those who wanted the anti-domestic partnership amendment deny benefits in other instances, such as aging parents or widowed military-spouses with children? The kernel for that is there. Is there such importance placed on the supposed sanctity of marriage (though all one needs to do to void a marriage is go to a courthouse and sign some papers -- some sanctity), that it necessitates the denigration and discrimination of those who may be different or may now be placed in need? How low will we sink as a civilization that we can add discrimination into our state's constitution in the 21st century? I don't think we've come a long way.

Monday, January 29, 2007


I often wonder how many readers stumble onto this site or check periodically for updates. Sometimes I consider killing this blog, acknowledging it seems useless because I spend so little time posting, and when I do, it seems onanistic rather than meaningful or fun for readers. But, part of me refuses to give up on this part of my writing life. Somehow killing the blog would symbolize a willingness to admit defeat, but I am also a realist. I see a pattern of my writing habits of fits and starts. My current focus on my professional, academic writing, as well as my personal commitments makes posting here seem an additional challenge I don't need right now. In fact, I'm regularly looking at the clock as I write this, and I'm telling myself to go to bed and get some rest. The morning will come far to fast.

So thanks for listening. I guess I don't have much to tell the world. I really am living the mundane life. So it goes.